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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao's Remarks on Annan's comprehensive report
2005-03-23 00:00

Q: Yesterday UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan submitted a comprehensive report for deliberation at the UN Summit meeting this September. What's China's comment on that?

A: Yesterday, Secretary-General Annan submitted a comprehensive report for deliberation at the UN Summit meeting this September. The Chinese side appreciates the Secretary-General's effort to promote multi-lateralism and the democratization of international relations.

In the report, many important proposals are put forward in such fields as peace, development, human rights and UN reform. The Chinese side is carefully studying it and will maintain contacts and consultation with all parties to actively push forward the UN reforms.

The Chinese side always holds that the UN capability of dealing with various global threats and challenges should be strengthened through necessary and reasonable reforms. The UN reforms are multi-dimensional covering all fields. The reforms should be guided by the UN Charter. The concerns of the developing countries should be fully considered and addressed. More input should be made to the development issue. The reform should go through careful discussion and preparation so as to realize the millennium development goals. On the issue of UN reforms, genuine democracy should be given full play among all member countries and wide consensus should be reached on the basis of full negotiation.

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