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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan's Comment on the Registration of Japanese Domicile of Origin at the Diaoyu Islands
2005-05-20 00:00

Q: It is reported that the Japanese Government declared on 17th of this month that 18 Japanese nationals registered their domicile of origin at the Diaoyu Islands. What comment does China have?

A: The Chinese Government holds a clear and consistent position on the issue of the Diaoyu Island. Regarding your question, I feel necessary to reiterate that Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been Chinese territory since the ancient time, and China has indisputable evidences in terms of history and law. Any unilateral action taken by the Japanese side towards the island constitutes grave violation of China's sovereignty over its territory, thus only to be illegal and null. China stands firmly against it and will by no means accept.

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